Senin, 24 Maret 2014

NAMA           : EKO YUNIUS S.
NPM               : 12340055

How To Write Paragraph ( explanation ) With Adequate And Inadequate Unity And Coherence.
2.      Coherence refers to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph is easily understood by the reader. For this reason, coherence is closely related to unity.
3.      A paragraph is adequately developed when it describes, explains and supports the topic sentence. If the "promise" of the topic sentence is not fulfilled, or if the reader is left with questions after reading the paragraph, the paragraph has not been adequately developed.


Any Things About Me

            Well everyone, I have any things to explaint to you all, it is real about me which can make you know mores about me such as: my name, my hobby, my addres, and so on. Further, I hope you can take more adventages about all of info in this text.
            My name is Eko Yunius Setiawan, and every people always call me Eko, but there are some people who call me chibi, it is real, and actually I do not know what their reason to call me like that I just guess may be I am a cute boy. I was born in Adirejo village on 20 June 1993 now I am 20 years old, and I live in Adirejo, Jabung East Lampung. My father’s name is Sugiman, and my mother’s name is Harsi and I realy love them. I am a real handsome boy with thin beard and moustache. I have black short waved hair, pointed nose, brown skin, and I has tall body based on indonesian people, my body high is abouve 170 cm. Some times I can be a silence person, but some times I can be a funny person. And then about my education background, firstly in garden kids Adirejo, secondly is Adirejo elementary school, thirdly is Jabung Junior High School, fourthly is Pasir Sakti Senior High School, and now I have been continud my study in Muhammadiyah University of Metro, and I take English department because have big interesting with it. Furthermore about my hobby is play football, fishing, travelling etc. But, now when I have registered as undergraduate of Muhammadiyah University of Metro, when I do not have subject in my campus I am seldom to spend my spare time to gether with my friends and learn about computer. I think that’s all about me, and I hope you all can take more adventages about me.

Blue : Identivication
Red  : Description Include Concluding Sentence

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