Selasa, 22 April 2014


Narative writing is tell story that hapens in the past. Narative has social function that is to tell stories eather in present which is called present narative, past events which called past narative and furure which called future narative, to entertain the readers. A good  narative writing is more then a list of random events, it sets up the tale, builds to a high point, and winds down during the resolution. Narative writing usuallhy has tension a problem to be solved  or a challenge to be overcome.  Narative is used most aften in fables, myths and legends, adventure stories, thrillers, period dramas.

How to feffer narative writing with other genre?

Narative is a text focusing some specifc participants that have several structural feature making different from other genres. But actully narative writing is almost same with recount writing both of them tell about past events. The basic deferent between them is narative has a problem/conflict to be solved and it can be happy ending or sad ending, and recount text only tell about series of events in the logical order.

Steps to write a narative writing

To write a narative writing you need to tell a story usually story that happened to you or other people, tell about events and problem exist in the strory and how to solved it, and your writing will bi easier if you make it in interesting way.



  •          It also introducing the participants of the story and introduction grabs the         reader’s attention
  •          Informing setting of time and place
  •          It also introduce some characters involved in the story
  •          Give a hint of the problem to come


     An unforgettable experience in my life was a magnitude earthquake. I was at my home with my older sister and younger brother.


  •       Can be single or numberous paragraph
  •          Provide lots of details, adjectives, adverbs and action words.
  •          Describing the rising crises or problem
  •          Conside the secuence of events

     Suddenly our apartment started shaking. At first, none of us relized what was happening. Then my sister yelled, “earthuake! Get unter something!. A  half rolled and half crawled across the room to get under the dining table. My sister also yelled at my little brother to get under his desk. Meanwhile, my sister was on the kitchen floor holding her arms over her head to protect it from falling dishes. The earthquake lasted than a minute, but it seemed like a year to us. At last, the shaking stoped. 


  •          Showing the way of participant to solve the problem better or worse
  •          Provide a thougt or moral massage (coda)

          For a minute or two, we were too scared to move. Then we tried to call our parent at work, but even our cellphone did not work. Next, we cheked the apartment for damage. We felt very lucky for nothing was broken axcept a few dishes. However, our firts earthquake as an experience that none of us will over forget.

Showing the topic sentence of the text
The bold lined sentence is the topic sentence of each paragraph

An unforgettable experience in my life was a magnitude earthquake. I was at my home with my older sister and younger brother.
     Suddenly our apartment started shaking. At first, none of us relized what was happening. Then my sister yelled, “earthuake! Get unter something!. A  half rolled and half crawled across the room to get under the dining table. My sister also yelled at my little brother to get under his desk. Meanwhile, my sister was on the kitchen floor holding her arms over her head to protect it from falling dishes. The earthquake lasted than a minute, but it seemed like a year to us. At last, the shaking stoped.
     For a minute or two, we were too scared to move. Then we tried to call our parent at work, but even our cellphone did not work. Next, we cheked the apartment for damage. We felt very lucky for nothing was broken axcept a few dishes. However, our firts earthquake as an experience that none of us will over forget.

It is the explanation why the bold lined in the paragraph abouve called topic sentence of each paragraph, because it’s sentence is the topic of each paragraph which can be developing to the suporting detail, and the sentences after this bold lined sentence in each paragraph always have relation with it.

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