Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Expository Text
Smoking is bad thing which bring many bad effect for body health because in one cigarte consist so many poison which of course can decrease immunity. But in fact, most of poeple in our country (Indonesia) are smoker, actually not only for adult as smoker, but also so many teenagers rightnow smoke cigaretes, why it’s can happen?
Several things below are some factors which influence why teen smokes cigarete. Firstly, some teenegers look his/her friend or other people who smoking cigarete. Secondly they feel vexed why people smoke cigarete, what thing that they will get if they smoke, and what is the sense of cigarete, because of that teens who never smoke before want to try to smoke, but they still feel scared to try it. Thirdly, actually in this level when a teeneger feel vexed to smoke they still have feeling scared to try to smoke, but badly, people around them who have smoked or smoker sometimes influence or even ask them try to smoke althogh just one cigarete. Because their vexed feeling and their feeling to can make asociate with the other one, finally they try to smoke.  Fourthly, after a teeneger try to smoke, althouhg just one cigarete, it’s will be give effect for him/her to try again. Fifthly, after they try to smoke for several times, of course it have influenced them to smoke cigarete anytime they want, and why it can be happen? Actually in cigarete consist one essence which called nicotin, it’s essence influence someone to smoke again and again because nicotin in cigarete works like opium.
That’s all about some factors which can influence teens to smoke, and actually it’s begin from social environment around them which of course can influence them to smoke. Because many poison consist in cigarete, smoke cigarete is bad for teens, and family role is very important to prevent it.